It is with great pleasure that the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History presents the proceedings of the international conference held on 12 December 2019 at the RKD in The Hague, in close collaboration with the Dutch University Institute for Art History, Florence: Going South : Artistic Exchange between the Netherlands and Italy in the 17th century. This publication is the final part of the Gerson Digital : Italy project, on which joint work has been done from 2018 onwards. In particular, I would like to thank Gert Jan van der Sman for his pleasant and fruitful cooperation during our project and for his intensive contribution to editing the papers in this publication. My thanks also go to the Foundation of the Friends of the Florence Institute of Art History for their generous support on behalf of the English-language editing of some of the articles.
Finally, and I am very grateful to the authors of all the papers for their engaging contributions to this publication, in which they elaborated on the new research presented at the RKD in 2019.
Rieke van Leeuwen
Senior Curator / Project manager Gerson Digital
RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, The Hague

Dirck van Baburen
Violin player with a wine glass, dated 1623
Cleveland (Ohio), The Cleveland Museum of Art, inv./ 2018.25